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Board of Directors Extended

Board of Directors Extended

Kev Preece24 Jul - 11:00
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'Youth Chairman joins Club Board'

Worcester City FC are delighted to announce the addition of Dan Sullivan to the Club's Board of Directors. Dan is currently the chairman of our youth section and will be ‘Director of Youth’.

Commenting on the announcement Simon Lancaster said: ‘I am delighted that Dan has accepted our invitation to join the club board. He brings with him a wealth of experience in both football and business. The youth has always been one of my main priorities for the club, and with the support of the rest of our new and exceptional youth committee Dan has already made great strides in turning our youth section from good to great.

I am excited that he can take it to the next level as a director on the main board of the football club and look forward to working with him.’

A warm welcome to the Board to Dan.

Further reading